He is coming back – Marah Saruchera


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He is coming back - Marah Saruchera

The subject of this book is very simple – Jesus is coming back.

Believing is a battle of and for our minds.What makes you run is different from what makes me run. The way we understand, comprehend, appreciate, know, recognize and realize what is and what is not important, is different.

What we believe determines our choices. People generally separate each other by asking whether one is FOR or AGAINST.

This book explains; in the things and issues of God, FOR or AGAINST may be very small words, but they separate people for eternity.

These two words arenot comparable, they are not synonyms. They are not just vastly different;they create differences in thought and practice. FOR and AGAINST results are either finite, the other infinite, or one is heavenly, the other earthly, or one is corrupt, the other incorruptible, or one is eternal, the other passing, or one is mortal, the other immortal.

What we believe can create a huge breach. What we believe will create them and us. What we believe will determine whether we walk or run.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:18:
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

What we believe is the pillar from which we can lean and magnify God. We cannot be careless about our faith in God.

Our faith, our belief and our conviction is:Jesus will take us where He has been and through what He has been through. He is there,in heaven, and He has been in our situations. Jesus  has been in our time and in our space. He is coming back and He will take us there – to heaven.



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